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Training, Assessment and Quality Assurance Qualifications now available


Great news.  City and Guilds have given SVT approval to deliver a whole suite of qualifications called TAQA – Training, Assessment, Quality, Assurance

The new QCF TAQA qualification for assessors and verifiers replaces the previous A1 and V1 Awards and Certificates (Also formally known as D32/D33/D34)

For Assessors there are several options

Level 3 Award in Understanding the Principles and Practices of Assessment (Unit 1)
This is a knowledge only award for those who need to know about assessment but who may not be currently practicing. Eg aspiring or trainee assessors, admin support staff, portfolio co-ordinators, HR and quality managers.

This unit provides the foundation for the rest of the qualifications at level 3.

Where an assessor has qualified previously via the D32/D33 or A1 route and may not have been practicing for some time, perhaps 18 months or more, their qualification may not be considered as ‘current’ by their IQA.  This unit provides the up to date knowledge for those assessors wishing to update their qualification and can be used as CPD.

Level 3 Award in Assessing Competence in the Work Environment 
This qualification is made up of two units – the first being the knowledge unit 1 and the second aimed at practitioners who assess the practical demonstration of competence in a working environment.

Level 3 Award in Assessing Vocationally Related Achievement 
This qualification is made up of two units – the first being the knowledge unit 1 and the second is aimed at assessors who assess knowledge and or skills in a vocationally related subject area.  Methods of assessment used for this will include assignments, written and oral questions, projects, case studies, skills tests and recognition of prior learning. Assessment may take place in a classroom, workshop or other suitable learning environment.

Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement 
This Certificate level qualification is for assessors/practitioners who may use all of the assessment methods mentioned in the previous units and will include the knowledge unit (1)

Entry requirements: potential Assessors must hold a suitable qualification in the occupational area in which they plan to assess learners and will need access to two candidates who are working towards an NVQ in the occupational area you are competent to assess.  Therefore you will need to be working with or attached to an approved assessment centre that is offering the relevant QCF/NVQ qualification you are planning to assess in order that you have access to real learners in a real work environment.

For those wanting to become qualified to work in Quality Assurance (IQA) for a training provider, the options are as follows:-

Level 4 Award in Understanding the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practice 
This is a knowledge only Award for those who are starting their role as an internal quality assurance practitioner or for those who need to understand the IQA process.  This could include administration and support staff, HR, Centre Managers and Quality Managers.

Level 4 Award in the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practice 
This Award is for practitioners who conduct internal quality assurance of the assessment process from within a centre or organisation, by sample planning, monitoring and advising on the practice of assessors.

Level 4 Certificate in Leading the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practice 
This Certificate qualification is for those who lead their Internal Quality Assurance Processes within their centre or organisation.  This will include having responsibility for managing the quality of the assessment process, practice and the performance of assessors.  Developing, reviewing and implementing systems and procedures are integral to this role as is hosting visits from External Quality Assurance Practitioners from awarding bodies.

Entry requirements
Trainee IQA’S must hold a suitable qualification in the occupational area in which they plan to monitor and support their assessors and have experience of assessing.  You will need access to two assessors with a minimum of 2 candidates of their own.  Therefore you will need to be working with or attached to an approved assessment centre who can facilitate this.

For more information please contact one of our course advisors on Tel: 01472 240112 to discuss.